
After completing all of my exams and obtaining my first license to practice architecture, I wanted to share with other candidates all that I’d learned along the way and give back to the community of emerging architectural professionals. Completing The Architect Registration Examination, AREĀ® 5.0: A Perspectival Guide To Making It Happen is my way of showing other candidates that it is possible and they ARE ready!

In the book I present strategies for completing the exams, not by way of self-produced study material or offering “hacks” for how to pass, but rather through an experiential walk-through of the entire process via relatable personal accounts and honest feedback, with the aim of helping candidates navigate the emotions they are sure to face: anxiety, fear, doubt, guilt… euphoria. Meant to be used as a companion guide to primary study sources, The Perspectival Guide to Making it Happen is part hand-holder, part shoulder to cry on, and part cheerleader, written by someone who’s gone through it all and managed to make it to the other side. Whether you are a recent graduate planning the path ahead or are already mired in the process, this work can help you get started and stay the course by examining the content of each division, reviewing study materials, and providing advice for navigating challenges and failures along the way.

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Links to Free Resources

Below is a compilation of links to free resources that are featured in the book: